MarkersPro Helps Schools Stay Open
With COVID-19 restrictions varying across the US., the demand for schools to reopen and stay open is growing stronger. School management is curating strategies to keep schools open and simultaneously monitoring the health and well-being of the students.
Apart from keeping the school campus hygienic and boosting vaccination, regular health screening, health visits, keeping an eye on medication plays an integral part in building a safe study environment for students, staff, and families.
MarkersPro SIS can help track and keep abreast of staff and students’ health. The Health Screening, Health Visit, and Health Incident feature help schools track and record students' health conditions. With the Health Incident feature, the admin can easily update students' health screening status. It is a simple process to understand if a student needs medical treatment/evaluation. The health visit option allows a school to record and track vital signs and all the health visits of a student.
MarkersPro Immunization option is a strategy to reach students for vaccination services and update routine booster doses.
The Health Information section can record and track the entire medication, allergies, medical condition, insurance status. The inventory gives detailed information about the medicine amount and balance of doses.
Technology is growing constantly, tracking student health with ease and precision is tough. With MarkersPro SIS, the health module can effortlessly manage and track student health.