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How Does MarkersPro Student Information System Maintain School Discipline

Apr 10. 2023
How Does MarkersPro Student Information System Maintain School Discipline
School Discipline Management Wefivesoft Admin

Proper and sustained discipline is a must for schools to promote positive relations within the school as well as abide by the school's rules and regulations. The school discipline management incorporates different rules and disciplinary action upon proven incidents. MarkersPro student information system excels in helping schools to manage discipline. 

MarkersPro is a comprehensive cloud-based SIS system that makes managing school data to be a seamless and efficient process. The system is devoted to maintaining school discipline. 

MarkersPro student information system assists in monitoring the behavior and actions of the students without any error. Additionally, with this system, schools can create a new incident with more details and take disciplinary action. 

In this article, we will learn how MarkersPro helps schools maintain discipline.  

👍 Reporting an Incident is Easy!  

Reporting any incident can be difficult for schools, however, the MarkersPro student information system simplifies the report incident procedure by following minimum steps. The system aids school administrators to enter the date and time, perpetrator, victim, and description while reporting any new incident. Additionally, the school admin, school staff, parents, and students can report any incident through MarkersPro. 

👍 Incident Approval 

Once the incident is reported, the school administrator takes charge of it. The school admin can easily access any of the reported incidents and it is entirely up to the admin whether to approve or decline any incident. School staff, parents, and students can keep track of the reported incident status and check if the incident is approved or declined. 

Once any incident gets approval, school administrators can take further steps. And in this way, he can maintain the safety of the school students. 

👍 Seamless Incident Management 

Incident management is no longer tiresome with the MarkersPro student information system. The system ensures a simple and effortless process to create the approved incident by adding a few details. Here, school administrators get to add the description, incident date, time, type, location, behaviors, weapon type, injury type, and perpetrator injury type. 

Additionally, the system allows for adding estimated offense cost, regulation violated description and reported to law enforcement details. Further, the system helps in adding internal or external reporters, victims, perpetrators, and witness details to get more information about the incident. 

👍 Sustained Student Discipline 

Student discipline is one of the vital parts of the entire discipline module as school administrators get to decide the disciplinary action against the reported incident. To maintain a sustainable student discipline, administrators require to select the student, the school, the action taken to date, the action decision date, the action start, and end date, the duration of the assigned action, etc. 

School admin can also select zero tolerance, IDEA interim removal, and individual education program (IEP) meetings to ensure the security of the school. In addition to that, for state reporting, the school admin can select the response staff and comment. 

In a nutshell, maintaining discipline can be a very tedious and time-consuming task. MarkersPro student information system manages discipline on behalf of the schools so that students can stay safe, secure, and clean.  

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